Update: More preperations
Angie and I have been at my parents for a few weeks. Here's some of the stuff we've been doing
- Paperwork
- Changing residence to MA
- Registering the truck
- Registering the trailer
- Applying for health insurance in MA
- Truck
- Replaced lower radiator hose
- Changed the oil
- Added extended bumpstops
- Made curtains
- Added a "sling" to hold gear
- Projects
- Tested my 800 thread count sheet/tarp
- Chinked the top of the wooden box so it's more water-resistant
- Made a new waxed rainshirt (my old one died)
- Repaired a bunch of my arrows
- Spined out Angie's bow and she got a new set of arrows
- Learning more plant stuff from my mom
- Angie read a bushcraft book and I taught her some orienteering.
- Other
- Replaced a couple other bits of worn out gear
- Purchased cams so we can trad climb
- My right foot got a little injured, so that's been recovering
- Backed up my laptop to an external harddrive that I'm leaving here
- Went hiking with a friend out near Boston
- Went to an art festival (and chatted with a bowyer there!)
And of course I've been helping move large objects around while I'm here :). So, we've been getting a lot done, and now we're just about ready to head out again!
If you recall http://www.blog.smalladventures.net/2013/07/homelessness-and-paperwork.html , I went without a real address last time. This time I decided having figured that out, I'd be lazy and use my parent's place. Thus why we were re-registering everything here. It's simpler this way... but it's still a lot of paperwork. Moving the truck alone means getting it inspected, getting it insured, canceling the old insurance... lots of steps. But, we're basically done now... yay!
So, that's what we've been up to... LOTS of posts coming!